Languages and regional SEO question Answer

Languages and region
Google might not treat original content for different languages content it the same way
Regarding international websites, if you have sites in about 10 different languages, yet they have very different rankings with nearly identical content. Does the googlebot struggle with some languages? What can be done?
Google look at content on a URL by URL basis, so even if you have translated top content from one language to another, Google might not treat it the same way as Google would treat the original content. It's also possible that the translated content is not as relevant as other original content in that language. Generally speaking, making sure that your content is as unique and compelling as possible for the users in that target market is the best thing to do.
Content shows only to certain geolocation
If you have 2 sites, one is and the other one is They share a lot of their content, is there a way to keep the content on both sites without blocking it on either, while ensuring they only show on their respective geo locations?
Answer By Maile Ohye from Google: Hi MG, you're situation sounds pretty good for targeting users globally and specifically in Australia (is that au?). It's helpful that you have separate TLDs. While you can't "ensure" that your content shows only to certain geolocation, you can use some of our features to help. Here are more resources in case you missed them:

So for Australia, will help with targeting and Webmaster Tools will not be needed.

For other areas -- say Canada, you can use geolation in Webmaster Tools for or or

Rank in the various regions
Does a multi-language site have any positive or negative impact in terms of rankings?
Multi-language sites attract a larger group of users, so over time they'll help your site to rank in the various regions that your users come from.

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