It's the 3rd online Webmaster live Chat from Google Webmaster Help in the form of questions and answers about SEO .I have spend number of hours to Categorizing into different topic.It's the area that we can keep as a referent (Listen ,It from Google,not Jacky and Andy seo expert ).

I admire sometime they not 100% direct answer the question.But they're Google=(search engine).You better listen to it! It really useful info (After I Categorizing it ;).
Many webmaster just ignore this type of info.You can try to skip what they said if you not agree and the outcome is you don't know when they might "ignore " you on their search results.
Sources:Questions and answers from the third online Webmaster Chat from October 08
I)Site Linking FA
Social sites and blogs the same as any other site
Anonymous: What weigh tag is given to the links from social networking sites and blogs?
Nathan J: I would treat social sites and blogs the same as any other site.
It doesn't matter your site new/old .it carry same weight .
Rick Rayn: What weight does the age of a site and the amount of time a domain is registered for have on it's search placement?
Matt Cutts: In the majority of cases, it actually doesn't matter--we w*nt to return the best information, not just the oldest information. Especially if you're a mom/pop site, we try to find ways to rank your site even if your site is newer or doesn't have many links. I think it is fair for Google to use that as a signal in some circumstances, and I try never to rule a signal out completely, but I wouldn't obsess about it.
"Directory" do carry link weight but not that much.
Marjy, Boca Raton FL: Recently, you removed this suggestion: "Submit your site to relevant directories such as the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!" from your guidelines. Is there any chance that you will be discounting these kinds of links for ranking value in future?
Matt Cutts: Hey Marjy (testing out this 'post a response' thing ie). There's always the chance that we'll discount directory links in the future. What we were seeing was quite a few novice people would see the "directory" recommendation and go out and just try to submit to a ton of directories, even if some of the directories were lower-quality or even fly-by-night directories that weren't great for users. Right now we haven't changed how we're weighting directory links--we've only removed the directory suggestion from the webmaster guidelines.
myln, Europe: Until recently external links from article directories could improve page ranking. Is this still valid? Do links from article directories have a better weight than links from web sites or blogs?
Matt Cutts: Article directory links certainly aren't inherently worth more and don't get more weight than other web sites or blogs. I answered another question about article directories as well.
Cross-link among your site is fine provider they're relevant.
Scott, Minnetonka: Do inbound links from other sites owned by the same company help or hurt rank?
Matt Cutts: I find that inbound links from the same company tend to break down into two camps. You'll find mom/pops that have a very few sites in one camp, and that can make sense if those sites are linked; in the other camp, I've see SEOs have 1000 or 2000 different domains and cross-link them. I definitely would not recommend that.
I think a lot of the litmus test in my mind is whether it makes sense to a regular person for those domains to be interlinked. If you look at a product like Coke, people aren't surprised to see that they have and several other domains. If you go to, it's perfectly reasonable to ask users which country they're coming from, and then send them to one of a bunch of domains. But if a regular user lands on and finds 20 or 30 cross-links at the bottom of the page and they look like off-topic or cookie-cutter or spammed domains, that's going to look bad to almost anyone.
Link from .gov and .edu with 0 page don't get any PageRank boost advantage.
TylerDee, TX: Are .gov and .edu back links still considered more "link juice" than the common back link?
Matt Cutts: This is a common misconception--you don't get any PageRank boost from having an .edu link or .gov link automatically. Hah John, I beat you to it! If you get an .edu link and no one is linking to that .edu page, you're not going to get any PageRank at all because that .edu page doesn't have any PageRank.
No worry bout "rel=nofollow" or totally "nofollow" thing.
Raj,In: Will too much of "rel=nofollow" or totally "nofollow" to all outgoing links by the author of a blog be stamped as over optimization and penalized? Is there any penalty for over optimization sort of stuff?
JohnMu: I wouldn't worry about this, Raj. I would try to work on making the site as natural as possible.(not exacty answer the question)
Social media do help in ranking although google don't crawl javascript.
egarolera, barcelona: How will social media or more specifically share of comments (buzz about a brand) influence the serps?
Maile Ohye: Hi egarolera, social media is great! But, there are a few things to say about this... Social media can add buzz to your site, finding new visitors, people linking to you, etc. That's a bonus and the more users that enjoy your content, often the better your site will show in SERPs. We want results to reflect what users are searching for, so social buzz can certainly be helpful.
A few things to note:
1. If you allow user-generated content on your site, remember to monitor for spam.
2. Also, if you're looking to get buzz to directly help your site in SERPs, know that we normally don't crawl javascript, so if it's hosted in JavaScript you'll still get the user traffic from the buzz (which can eventually lead better rankings), but the user comments themselves won't be indexed.
3. If you w*nt to get the user-generated content associated with your site (as part of your URLs), then make sure you host the user-generated content on your domain (so it's not link to a separate site). Thanks, egarolera!
They don't like you to sell link
wildnis, Vancouver, Canada: What is ok/not ok to sell links? We get requests on a daily base, we not offering to sell links, but sometimes we get a related request and wonder if we are "allowed" to sell one or two links without hurting our rankings?
Nathan J: Paid links that pass pagerank are not a good idea; more info here -
Let them expire over time
Anonymous: I recently went through and "cleaned up" my Wordpress site by deleting some old posts and unnecessary categories/tags. I re-submitted a new Sitemap, but I still see several "Not Found" web crawl errors in Webmaster Central. Will this fix itself?
JohnMu: In some situations it could be that you can 301 redirect some old URLs to relevant new ones, otherwise it's fine to let them return 404. The errors are not something to worry about, they're just for your information, so it's fine to leave them there and to let them expire over time
Fewer the links FROM your website, the more influence (not 100% answer the question)
Allen Graves, Tampa, Florida: Is it true that the fewer the links FROM your website, the more influence they have on the sites receiving those links?
JohnMu: PageRank is split up over the links from a page, but I would recommend not concentrating on this (as you won't be able to "measure" and act upon it anyway) and instead making your site as usable as possible for your visitors.
Relevance for each link property will vary
Urban Kudos, London, UK: Can you tell me how Google decides whether to include video on the first page of the SERPS or not? Views? Links? Age? Relevance? What's the most important?
Matt Cutts: I think relevance is always the top-level answer, because we want the best information (be it search results, videos, or even ads) to come up highly. And relevance for each property will vary--for ads it might be clickthrough, and for video it might be different signals.
Does Googlebot treat content and links within NOSCRIPT as normal content and links
Anonymous: Does Googlebot treat content and links within NOSCRIPT as normal content and links, assuming the webmaster is not using noscript to cloak or otherwise deceive?
Maile Ohye: Hi there, I think I know the answer, but let me check with our crawl and indexing teams just to double-check. (I'm risk averse! :) If we're able to disclose the information, I'll find a way to post in follow-up from the event.
How to keep dynamically generated sitelinks?
Sean Carlos, Italy: A site has lost sitelinks. No significant changes were made to site architecture, e.g. menu templates. Overall public PR has actually increased. Suggestions as to how to keep dynamically generated sitelinks? How often are they recalculated?
Nathan J: Sitelinks are dynamically generated - more info here -
It may not show all of the links that Google knows about
krish, In: Does link:(in search customize) gives exactly the number of back links to a site?
Wysz: The link: operator only shows a sampling of links to a site, so it may not show all of the links that Google knows about. To find more information about backlinks to your own site, we give verified site owners more information about backlinks in Webmaster Tools:
No risk of an impact on your site's rankings if you use the attribute
Anonymous: Can my site be penalized if I use rel="nofollow" too much?
Kaspar aka Guglarz: No, you run no risk of an impact on your site's rankings if you use the attribute :-)
II)301 redirection
301's are the best way to retain users and search engine tra*ffic when moving dom*ains.
Anonymous: Does 301 Redirect moves the Google Page Ranking to the new location? If so how long does it take for this to take effect?
Wysz: Where appropriate, ranking signals will be transferred across 301 redirects (if the same page has moved from one URL to another). This may take some time, so you should probably leave the redirect in place as long as you have control over the URL. That way any new links will make our crawler follow the 301.
Cynthia, San Francisco: Recently went through a rebranding of our company name. The old domain name was successful in page ranking, however the new domain name has terrible page ranking. Do 301 redirects transfer the site equity from the old domain to new domain?
Answer: Hi Cynthia, This is a pretty common question, so we actually did a blog post about it recently. In short, 301's are the best way to retain users and search engine traffic when moving domains. You can find the full post here:
SteveJohnston, Bath, UK: Are subdomains considered entirely separate entities if they have no links from the parent domain. e.g. if has no links from, is it on its own in terms of reputation, or will it rank through association alone?
JohnMu: We treat each URL separately. That said, if you have www and non-www versions of your site, I'd recommend setting a preferred domain and setting up a 301 redirect. Also, sometimes it makes sense to add both your www and non-www versions in Webmaster Tools so that links for both versions are known (and shown). Susan recently covered that in a blog post at
A 302 is used for temporary redirects, so this is less likely to transfer ranking signals.
Kyle Wegner, Atlanta, GA: If I 301 redirect a well-ranked page to a new domain with the exact same content, will all of the rankings be replaced with the new domain once it has been indexed? How long after indexing can we expect the swap? And is the same thing true for 302s?
Wysz: If you're moving from one URL to another (even if it's on a different domain), ranking signals can be passed via a 301. A 302 is used for temporary redirects, so this is less likely to transfer ranking signals.
Rename something, use 301 redirects appropriately.
BaileyQueue, Santa Cruz, CA: I have a folder (used in URL path), it's name includes a hyphen, which I read was not friendly for google. It is an important folder, I cannot rename without interfering with our archive links (2004-present). What should I do?
JohnMu: Hyphens and underscores are fine :-). If you do decide to rename something, I'd recommend making sure that you use 301 redirects appropriately.
301 redirect is optimal in a situation like that
dgj, san diego: A parent co. requires their subsidiaries use sub-domains of the parent. Will a 301 redirect from old domain to new sub-domain pass link value? (e.g. Parent co.:; Subsid. former:; New Subsid.:
JohnMu: dgj, yes a 301 redirect is optimal in a situation like that.
III)Page rage and Indexing Guideline
Coution!!Spammer around.
Anonymous: 1000's of junks sites are spamming Google index & Googlers still find time to penalize or ban more genuine sites. How do you plan to fight spam in longer term.
Answer: Thanks for being interested in keeping our index free of spam. If you do find sites violating our webmaster guidelines, please submit a spam report here:
As far as how we fight spam, we can't reveal too much. Spammers might be rea*ding. (clever answer that use in answering Google Adsense click fuote questions)
Tips:If you having some kind of crab site. No notifications from Google for penalty.If you have added something evil in you site but you do have good original content ,you would be informed about a temporary removal from Google results via Google Webmaster Tools.
Anonymous: Do you feel that the webmaster should be informed in case of a manual penalty & the reconsideration requests should be looked into more seriously in case of a manual penalty.
Kaspar aka Guglarz: Hey! That is a very good question, that we are being asked on a regular basis. So, imagine you have a site on which you add original content and/or tools on a regular basis.
If it has been hacked and contains hidden content/links or you are a website owner and your webmaster did something he/she was not aware of being outside Google webmaster guidelines, like a 0 seconds redirection. In that case chances are high you would be informed about a temporary removal from Google results via Google Webmaster Tools.
The message will surely contain hints regarding the problem on the site. Once you have fixed it, your reconsideration request will be reviewed very carefully.
On the other hand, if you have a couple of hundreds of identical sites with - for example - scraped content from other sites, these are not adding any value to the Internet and I would not expect any notifications from Google.
Hight bounce rate hurt your page rage.
chrisff, palo alto, ca: Is the bounce rate and speed taken into account when ranking a page? i.e. if you see a searcher click on a result then return very quickly and choose another result, is the first page ranked lower?
JohnMu: Hi chrisff, assuming that users will be jumping out of a site like that, there's a high probability that they won't be willing to recommend it to others (or come back themselves). So yes, indirectly at least, if a site is made in a way that users run away right away, then chances are that we might not be recommending it as much as other sites that users like (and recommend to others).
Is keyword density of any importance to show what the page is about?
tewmonkey, cardiff,wales: Many believe that to rank well, you simply need "quality" backlinks. But how important is having your keywords in the , and throughout your site? Is keyword density of any importance to show what the page is about? What % is suggested?
Wysz: Links are just one factor involved in Google's ranking of pages. We look at both on-page and off-page content, so what you have on your page can be an essential part of ranking. However, there is no recommended "keyword density." Your content should be high quality and written for users. If you try writing for search engines, the language can become very unnatural, which may end up hurting you more than it helps.?
IV)Webmaster Guidelines
Anonymous: What are most important aspects Google uses to rank a Site today?
Nathan J: The Help Center Webmaster Guidelines cover important info for getting indexed and ranked - . Lots of good content here.
site's ranking in Image Search doesn't impact your site's PageRank .Well-optimized, relevant images have a change to appear at normal web search results .
Andy Y, Beijing, China: Does appearing high in image searches help improve the host sites PR and appearance on standard searches?
Answer: Thanks for the question Andy. Well-optimized, relevant images could definitely help increase traffic to your site, especially with the introduction of Universal Search, where we mix images, videos, and more into the web search results.
JohnMu: Your site's ranking in Image Search doesn't impact your site's PageRank. However, as we continue to include images and other types of content in the search results, we might start showing your images in normal web search results as well. So I'd definitely recommend making sure that your great images (if you have them :-)) are available to search engine crawlers.
Tell Google the geotarget (country) of a particular webpage(Nice name? )
Anonymous: Is there a META tag we can use to tell Google the geotarget (country) of a particular webpage?
Maile Ohye: Hi Anonymous (nice name! :), we don't have META geotargeting capability at this time. So the best ways to target a geographic region are talked about here:
Page load time play a crucial role in Google Page Ranking.(not 100% answer)Anonymous: Does a page load time play a crucial role in Google Page Ranking? If yes how important is it?
Nathan J: I think the more important issue here is user experience. If your site loads fast, your users will be happy; if it loads slow, users will be less happy. Make your users happy, right?
File a reconsideration request after getting banned by google in SERP
rnold, delhi , in: How will i know that a website is banned by google in SERP (search engine result pages).
Wysz: To see if you're indexed in Google, try a site: search on your site. For example, We may also drop a message in the Message Center of your Webmaster Tools account if we detect an issue with your site.
In general, it's best to make sure you stay within the webmaster guidelines:
If you feel your site may have been penalized, go ahead and fix the problems, then file a reconsideration request:
V)Identify original content and RSS scrapers
Raj, In: You claim that you can identify original content and RSS scrapers, but still why scrapers are ranking better for certain keywords?
Wysz: We do our best to identify duplicates and identify the best URL for a set of content. There are a couple of ways you can help us out with this.
In your content, if you're providing articles or other information that may be syndicated across other sites, include a full link (not just a relative link) back to your site so you can more easily be identified as the originator of the content.
And if you find that a scraper site is spamming Google's search results, please submit a spam report via Webmaster Tools:
There is plenty of savvy webmasters eager to help, along with Google guides monitoring the community and joining the discussions occasionally :-)
content that is placed in divs that are hidden/display none
SteveJohnston, Bath, UK: How does Google view content that is placed in divs that are hidden/display none until a user does something? These are also good places to stuff SEO content that a user may never see. What is best practise from Google's point of view?
Wysz: Hi Steve, I've addressed this question in the Google Webmaster Help Group here:
And here:
What is boils down to is intent:
If it's there for the user, you're probably safe. If you're trying to deceive search engines... that's risky. :)
VI)Change of algorithms
ecurtin, London, England: How often does your search algorithm change?
JohnMu: We change the algorithms all the time - last year we had over 450 changes.
Using hyphens instead of underscores
Alex W, UK: Should I be using hyphens instead of underscores in my URLs to improve a page's rank?
Matt Cutts: For the time being, I would recommend still using hyphens instead of underscores. If you're already using underscores and that's working fine for you and your rankings, it's not worth switching. But if you're doing a new site, then I would go with hyphens.
VII)Languages and Region
Google might not treat original content for different languages content it the same way
Andy Y, Beijing, China: Regarding international websites, we have sites in about 10 different languages, yet they have very different rankings with nearly identical content. Does the googlebot struggle with some languages? What can be done?
JohnMu: Hi Andy, we look at content on a URL by URL basis, so even if you have translated top content from one language to another, we might not treat it the same way as we would treat the original content. It's also possible that the translated content is not as relevant as other original content in that language. Generally speaking, making sure that your content is as unique and compelling as possible for the users in that target market is the best thing to do.
Content shows only to certain geolocation
MG, Orlando, FL: I have 2 sites, one is and the other one is They share a lot of their content, is there a way to keep the content on both sites without blocking it on either, while ensuring they only show on their respective geo locations.
Maile Ohye: Hi MG, you're situation sounds pretty good for targeting users globally and specifically in Australia (is that au?). It's helpful that you have separate TLDs. While you can't "ensure" that your content shows only to certain geolocation, you can use some of our features to help. Here are more resources in case you missed them:
So for Australia, will help with targeting and Webmaster Tools will not be needed.
For other areas -- say Canada, you can use geolation in Webmaster Tools for or or
Rank in the various regions
Anonymous: Does a multi-language site have any positive or negative impact in terms of rankings?
JohnMu: Multi-language sites attract a larger group of users, so over time they'll help your site to rank in the various regions that your users come from.
VIII)Domain and Sub-domain . and /
Anonymous: Is better or better in terms of Search Engine Positioning.Nathan J: From a search engine standpoint, both are good - it really is a matter of preference. Depending on what you're trying to do, it may be easier to manage one over the other.
PageRank is on a page-by-page basis.
Mayu J, Sri Lanka, Colombo: If my sub domain got high Page Rank, how far it will contribute to the main domain?
JohnMu: Hi Mayu, PageRank is on a page-by-page basis. The PageRank of a page (on a subdomain or not) is based on the links to it.
PageRank will flow immediately
Sandeep Khetan, India: Sub-Domains are considered as a new site for Search Engines, if a 5 years old site which uses, now plans to add and will this take another few years for both new domains to get rank
Matt Cutts: PageRank is purely at a page level, so if you has a high PageRank and links to new urls such as, that PageRank will flow immediately.
Conclusion :
While we listen to simple conclusion is:Focused primarily on the user experience, quality content, and will be save and get ranked.
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