Top 4 Free Sitemap Generator for SEO

Creating Sitemap is one of the essential part of search engin optimazation "SEO"of a website.
It helps the search engines to crawl your web pages fast and easy. The easier your web pages can be crawled by the search engines, the more pages of your website can be indexed.

 Likewise, the more web pages the search engines can crawl, the more change you get your page rage and be a good position at "SERP"Search Engine Results Page,

Tools that help:
  1. The Google Sitemap Generator-The Google Sitemap Generator is a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs.
  2. Auditmypc Google Sitemap Generator.These html sitemaps predate Google and XML site maps. The nice thing about this type of sitemap is that it can be read by humans AND search engines.
  3. Free Sitemap Generator.-Creates a sitemap as defined by Google  for your site. Enter the url of your website(s), let our tools generate a sitemap for you and download the compressed sitemap later.
  4. Sitemap Generator Plugin for Wordpress.-Generator a site map which is highly customizable from its own options page in the WordPress admin panel.

Top 4 Free Sitemap Generator for SEO By

How to nofollow all link

How to tell the search engine nofollow all the link but follow the test from website?
Use a special HTMLmeta tag to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow.

Where to put the meta tag?

It should be placed in the HEAD section of an HTML page, as in the example above. You should put it in every page on your site.

How to write a Robots Meta Tag :

The "NAME" attribute must be "ROBOTS".

Valid values for the "CONTENT" attribute are:
"NOFOLLOW". Multiple comma-separated values are allowed, but If there is no
robots <META> tag, the default is "INDEX,FOLLOW",


No index on content ,but follow the link.


Index the content ,but nofollow the link


Every thing no index.

You should place a" /" at the end of the tag if you're using blogspot/blogger blog.